Markowitz Herbold Recognized by the Oregon State Bar as a Partner in Sustainability

July 7, 2016

Markowitz Herbold PC has once again been recognized by the Oregon State Bar Sustainable Future Section as a “Partner in Sustainability.” The Section created the “Partners in Sustainability Program” in 2012 in order to encourage law firms of all sizes to adopt sustainable office practices and to honor those firms that satisfy the Section’s criteria for sustainable office practices.

The Oregon State Bar and law firms in Oregon are making a difference in the legal profession promoting office practices that demonstrate an awareness of the legal profession’s impact the on the planet.  Firms that remain Partners in Sustainability must review their office practices regularly as the standards are updated every two years. 

The Program’s criteria for designation as a “Partner in Sustainability” require that the law firm adopt an office sustainability policy, implement an internal education program and energy and water conservation measures, and utilize, where possible, power produced from other than fossil fuel generation.  The Program also has criteria related to paper management, energy and water reduction, waste and toxics reduction, transportation energy reduction, and local purchasing.

1455 SW Broadway, Suite 1900
Portland, OR 97201 503-295-3085

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New York, NY 10158  - 212-909-2610

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