
Federal Bar Association District of Oregon Conference

5:00 PM
Sponsored By:U.S. District Court of Oregon, the Oregon Ninth Circuit Lawyer Representatives, and the Oregon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, 1945 S.E. Water Avenue, Portland, Oregon

Markowitz Herbold shareholder Matt Levin will presenting, as part of a panel discussion, on the topic of Current Issues in Sports Law. Other participants include:

  • Ben Lauritsen, Vice President and General Counsel, Portland Trail Blazers
  • John Casey, K&L Gates
  • Maureen Weston, Professor, Pepperdine Law School
  • Carol Pratt, K&L Gates
  • Paul Loving, The Consul Group

Complex legal problems abound in our society as we adapt to the rapid-fire pace of innovation in the fields of technology, science, and medicine. This full-day conference will discuss solutions to a few of the issues that Oregon judges and lawyers must address, including:

  • How technology and the explosion of data are changing the law and the legal profession;
  • Drought in the American West and the role of the legal system in managing scarce resources;
  • What advancements in neuroscience and psychology can teach us about our biases in judicial and legal decision-making;
  • How to leverage technology to improve the criminal justice system; and
  • Preserving the American pastime—sports.

For more information or to register, visit District of Oregon Conference.

1455 SW Broadway, Suite 1900
Portland, OR 97201 503-295-3085

605 Third Ave., 16th Floor
New York, NY 10158  - 212-909-2610

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